Liz - A Healing Touch

Jun 6, 20202 min

World Pet Memorial Day - June 9, 2020

This day is meant to honor pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Honoring pets is important both for you and your departed animal. It doesn't matter how long ago it was, or how recent...wounds from the loss linger, especially if you had a special relationship with your pet. Honoring a pet can do several can help bring you closure, if you still have an opening in your heart from the can make you feel good or at least better, and help you heal.

Did you ever have a ceremony for the pet after it passed on? I first attended one such ceremony many years ago, for a friend who lost her favorite cat. You can go so far as to have a minister or friends and family say some words or read passages at your pet ceremony if you like, or keep it more simple. My friend then created a small garden in her back yard to remember her animals, complete with small statues and a bench to sit on. It's very peaceful to go there and just think or remember your own pets.

Your pet would want you to create something that will make you feel better. Think about things they may have liked or enjoyed in life. Get something to leave in a favorite spot to remember your pet. Memorial stones made of resin are easily found these days at some stores and are often in different sizes, from small to medium. Some people get stones personalized with the pet's name, but that's up to you. If you don't have a yard for this memorial, find a spot indoors where you can make an altar space or special spot in the corner of a room. Place mementos there, dress it up, and make it special.

Another way to remember your pet is to honor it with photos in your home or room. Make a picture collage or a shadow box frame with things inside it. Some people have small keepsake boxes, maybe large enough for a collar or dog tag, small toy, etc...the key is to make it personal and special to you.

Another way to honor your pets is to make a donation to a rescue or shelter in their name. I did that back in the 90's for my cat Nikki. I had adopted him from a local shelter, so I think back then it was a $50 donation to get a plaque on their wall with his name and info on it. You can donate food or toys, blankets, beds or a cat tree. There are always things your area shelters and rescues need. If you are remembering a horse, donate their tack or other items if in good condition, or get new items, grain, treats, water buckets, etc. Rescues truly appreciate these things!

One last way I invite you to remember your pet is to have an animal communication session and check in with them to see how they're doing. Sometimes animals in Spirit have a lot to say, and some just want you to know they are whole again and happy. Hearing a message from your beloved pet can help you get some closure too. If you would like more information about that, connect with me!
